Episode 16: Let’s Talk (Frankly) About Adoption

With this month being Sanctity of Life Month, we’re talking about all things adoption. Trisha was adopted, has adopted, and now works in the adoption community. So on this episode she’s answering Bethany’s list of questions about adoption. If you’ve ever considered adopting, this episode is for you.

Have something to add to the conversation? Want to share YOUR list? We’d love to hear from you.

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With this month being Sanctity of Life month, we want to talk to you about a topic that is near and dear to our hearts.

Here are 10 takeaways from the episode—

  1. I’ve learned many things about God, both because of my adoption, and also because of the work that I’m called to do now. But one of the most profound things I have observed or learned about God during these last few years, especially, is how faithfully God serves as father to the fatherless. (Trisha)

  2. So all throughout the Bible, God talks about orphans and widows—I think both are important in this conversation. But beginning in Exodus and going all the way through James—and depending on what version and how different words are translated—I have seen as many as 50 verses that specifically mention the orphan. (Trisha)

  3. Caring for vulnerable children should not be considered para-church ministry. I know there are para-church organizations—or faith-based organizations that carry out their mission independent of the Church—but the truth remains. Orphan care is the responsibility of the Church. (Trisha)


4. “The Church absolutely must be leading the way in orphan care. It’s not a negotiable. It flows from the reality of the Gospel.”

David Platt, pastor and author


5. If you want a place to start, I would say have conversations with people in your walk of life who are doing the things you are considering doing. So if you are considering adoption, there is no harm, and you have made no commitment by talking to a family you know who has adopted. The worst thing you can do is do nothing. (Trisha)

6. Because these kids matter deeply to God, and they must matter deeply to those of us who love God. If you want something tangible to do, be the person in your church family who actively, warmly welcomes kids from hard places. This is so very impactful in a community.

7. Today, 400,000+ kids are in foster care. 100,000+ are waiting to be adopted. The average kid has been in foster care over a year, the average age of a child in foster care is eight, and the average kid in foster care is a white male.

8. One of the things that qualifies a child as having special needs is simply the fact that that child is older.

9. Finally, please don’t let adoption costs intimidate you out of doing what God is calling you to do. I interact with families every day who will testify: God provides every single penny that is needed. God provides. (Trisha)

10. Right now, the U.S. church is actually the richest church in the history of the world. If you make more than about 46 or $47,000 a year as an income, you are richer than 99.6% of the people in the world. If your income is even $12,400, or somewhere around there, then you’re still richer than 87% of the people in the world.