Episode 20: 5 Helpful Thoughts When You’re Anxious

Do you struggle with anxiety or love someone who’s anxious? In this episode, we each bring a list of 5 thoughts we go to when we’re faced with anxiety. Have something to add to the discussion? We want to hear from you!

Have something to add to the conversation? Want to share YOUR list? We’d love to hear from you.

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Let’s talk about helpful thoughts when you’re anxious!

Here are 10 takeaways from the episode—

  1. I believe very firmly that it is a dangerous and strategic lie of the Enemy to convince us that our situation itself is unique. Because when we believe that we are unique, or that our situation is unique, we can more easily justify having a unique response to it. And very often, that unique response is neither helpful, nor is it biblical.  (Trisha)

  2. Regardless of where anxiety lands on the spectrum [sin on one side, mental illness on the other], is there a safer place to bring our burdens and our sin struggles and our  illnesses? There should be no safer place to discuss being anxious, than with brothers and sisters in Christ within the church family. (Trisha)

  3. Secrets lose their power over us when we bring them into the light. And I believe there’s no better place to bring secrets into the light than in trusted circles of brothers and sisters within the church family. (Trisha)


4. There’s something to be gained from reclaiming some agency, so in a moment of anxiety, it helps you physically to remember there are some things within your control. There is something that you can do in response to whatever the situation might be.

Bethany Hager


5. What if what we think should feel whole is actually contributing to our anxiety? So maybe our version of wholeness and God’s version of wholeness look different. (Trisha)

6. We need to remember that God’s got this, therefore He’s not surprised by anything coming along the line. He is very much in control. And He will have His victory one way or the other. In the end, He’s in control. (Bethany)

7. Something that was a technique given to me in the months of 2020 is this technique of pausing for one minute, or maybe five or 10 minutes. And there is an app that you can use—I believe it’s literally called The Pause app—to help you talk you through these pauses. It’s a one-minute pause, a five- or a 10-minute pause. And you’re invited in that moment to breathe, to talk to God, and to say the words literally, “I give everyone and everything to You.” (Bethany)

8. I am fully convinced that someday when we get to heaven, we’re going to realize just how little control we had, and how much everything—every circumstance—was in His divine control. And it was intended for our good and for His glory. (Trisha)

9. I am not my feelings. I do believe that feelings are gifts from God. He hardwired us with feelings, but they are not the sum total of who we are. (Trisha)

Question to ask yourself:

10. What’s the worst that could happen? The worst that can happen, He is still with you. The worst that can happen, He is going to catch you, and He will carry you through. And in the end, He will stand with you victorious, and you will be healed. And if you fail—if you’re anxious about making a misstep like I was—and you see failure in your future, may I encourage you even in that to think, “What’s the worst that can happen with failure?” Failure is an opportunity to grow. It’s an opportunity to learn. Failure is not the end. Failure is just the next step. It’s maybe even a new beginning. (Bethany)

Want to keep the discussion going? Check out 5 Beliefs That Will Hold You Back This Year
